
C stdio scanf() Function

❮ C stdio Library


Output a number entered by a user:

// Create an integer variable that will store the number we get from the user
int myNum;

// Ask the user to type a number
printf("Type a number: \n");

// Get and save the number the user types
scanf("%d", &myNum);

// Output the number the user typed
printf("Your number is: %d", myNum);
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Definition and Usage

The scanf() function reads user input and writes it into memory locations specified by the arguments.

The scanf() function is defined in the <stdio.h> header file.

The format parameter is a string that describes the format of the data that is expected. If the user input does not match the format then the function stops reading at the point where the first mismatch occurs.

Note: More accurately, it reads from the location specified by stdin which is usually keyboard input but it may be configured to point to a file or other location.

Format specifiers

The format string can contain format specifiers which specify which parts of the user input should be written to the arguments. Each format specifier corresponds to one of the additional arguments of the function.

The format specifiers have the form %[*][width][length]specifier. The components in [square brackets] are optional.

An explanation of each of the components:

  • * - Optional. When present, the format specifier does not correspond to an argument.
  • width - Optional. Specifies the maximum number of characters to read for this specifier.
  • length - Optional. A sequence of characters which changes the data type of the argument. It can be one of the following:
    • hh - Expect char* type for whole numbers.
    • h - Expect short* type for whole numbers.
    • l - Expect long int* type for whole numbers.
             Expect wchar_t* type for characters and strings.
             Expect double* type for floating point numbers.
    • ll - Expect long long int* type for whole numbers.
    • j - Expect intmax_t*or uintmax_t* type for whole numbers.
    • z - Expect size_t* type for whole numbers.
    • t - Expect ptrdiff_t* type for whole numbers.
    • L - Expect long double* type for whole numbers.
  • specifier - Required. A character or sequence which indicates how user input should be interpreted. The list of possible specifiers is shown in the table below.

List of specifiers

Character Specifier Description
i Integer Reads a sequence of digits and interprets them as an integer. If the sequence starts with "0x" then it expects hexadecimal digits (0-9 and A-F). If the sequence starts with "0" then it expects octal digits (0-7). The sequence may be preceded by a sign ("+" or "-").
d or u Decimal integer Reads a sequence of digits (0-9) and interprets them as an integer. The sequence may be preceded by a sign ("+" or "-").
o Octal integer Reads a sequence of digits (0-7) and interprets them as an octal integer. The sequence may be preceded by a sign ("+" or "-").
x Hexadecimal integer Reads a sequence of digits (0-9 and A-F) and interprets them as a hexadecimal integer. It may begin with "0x" The sequence may be preceded by a sign ("+" or "-").
f, e, g or a Floating point number Reads a valid sequence of characters and interprets them as a floating point number. A valid sequence has at least one digit, it can be preceded by a sign ("+" or "-") and it can be followed by a decimal point and decimal digits. Scientific notation (a number followed by "e" or "E" and some digits) can also be used.
c Character Reads a character from the file. If a width is specified then it reads that number of characters.
s String Reads all of the characters up to the next whitespace (space, tab, line break) from the user input. The value written to the argument will have an additional \0 null terminating character appended to it.
p Pointer Reads a sequence of characters which represent a pointer address.
n No input Nothing is read, instead the number of characters that have been read up to this point is written into the argument. The argument must be a pointer to an integer.
% Percent symbol Reads one character from the user input expecting a "%" symbol. This specifier is not associated with an argument.
[characters] Character set Reads one character which matches one of the characters specified in characters.
[^characters] Excluded character set Reads one character which is not in the set of characters specified in characters.

See More Examples below for examples of how to use format specifiers.


scanf(const char * format, arg1, arg2...);

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
format Required. A string representing the format of the data expected from the user input.
arg1, arg2... Optional. Any number of additional arguments which are pointers to memory where values can be written.

Technical Details

Returns: An int value representing the number of arguments that were written to. It returns the constant EOF if an error occurred.

More Examples


Extract numbers from any sequence "a + b = c" provided by the user:

int a, b, c;
scanf("%i + %i = %i", &a, &b, &c);
printf("a = %d \n", a);
printf("b = %d \n", b);
printf("c = %d \n", c);


Read a hexadecimal number and output its value in decimal:

int num;
scanf("%x", &num);
printf("%d", num);


Search for either "x", "y" or "z" in the user input:

char c;
int found = scanf("%[xyz]", &c);
if(found > 0) {
  printf("Found %c", c);
} else {
  printf("Character not found");

❮ C stdio Library


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